As I took a few minutes last night to browse through some of my 2009 pictures, I was struck by the many ups and downs my family and most likely yours have experienced over the last twelve months. It made me realize how present God is with us even though He can't be physically seen. Uh oh! I'm getting all reflective up in here!
2009 at a glance:
- A friend called to offer us a family trip to Hawaii
- I was diagnosed with Melanoma, minor surgery, given the all clear!
- Lots of family time
- Helped people in the community
- Trip to Catalina Island and Mount Hermon
- Swine flu for all
- Pneumonia for Beach Bunny and Big Surf
- Got my first big girl camera
- Beach Bunny home one year
- Spent hours on the soccer, baseball and football fields
- Our real estate investment went south
- Learning to parent a tween
- Trip to Disneyland
- Met Pioneer Woman
- My new niece was born
- Family Christmas shoebox trip to Mexico
Happy New Year, friends!
With love,

Beautiful collage to represent a beautiful and full year the Lord blessed you with.
have a wonderful 2010!
What a cute idea! I LOVE it! I may have to steal this idea next year!! ;)
Happy New Year, Pineapple Princess!!
Beautiful collage! I think getting our big girl cameras was the best thing for both of us, although you can do way cooler stuff! Glad the downs didn't get you downs and the ups gave way to some amazing joy! Here's to a fabola 2010! X0X0
I'm down with any of those activities! Glad you guys had a great year!
Creative collage:)
God is Good~Many blessings in 2010
Happy New Year!! How wonderful life is!!
I'm crazy about your collage. The whole year in one galnce. Just beautiful.
I wish you and your beautiful family all that you can imagine in 2010!
Wanda (At Last...)
Love the collage and the year in review. I also love to always be reminded that God works for the good of all and through the good and bad He is always there.
Blessings friend,
What a year! Love all the pictures!
I hope your family has many blessing this year, you deserve it! Also, I am in for pedicures, massages or shopping anytime. :)
I love the photo collage.
Happy New Year! I wanted to let you know I've given you an award on my blog. Blessings.
u r just the funnest girl ever! hugs and happiness for 2010
i love your collage! i need a tutorial on that.
Happy New Year. You always take such beautiful pictures! May 2010 be the best year ever for your family.
God Bless,
Happy New Year! Your collage is so fun! I love photos! Wishing you the best always!
Oh that collage! What a year. Wishing you lots of good times in 2010.
What a great re-cap of your year! I didn't realize you had cancer? Praying that 2010 is an amazing year for your family! I enjoy following your blog!
Happy New Year!
A wonderful collage! Love it! Blessings to you in the coming year...
Happy New Year! I love the collage! Getting my big girl camera was definitley a highlight this year!!
What a beautiful and lovely family! So glad we found each other's blog!
LOVE that collage. Seriously, you amaze me. I kind of got my big girl camera this year too....well, I guess it was my little bit bigger girl camera.
I love you end of year wrap up, but mostly I just love you :)
Thanks for your kind comments. It's nice to "meet" you. Happy New Year!
Happy New year~
Love the collage, I need to learn how to do that!
You're so cute. Wine and shopping ~ count me in.
Great pics! Thanks for sharing.
I hope your New Year is filled with laughter and love ♥
That collage is amazing... what a story it tells!! I love how your family has changed and how you have grown and how the Lord has had His hand in everything! You are such a blessed and cherished and special friend!
hopped over from a familiar path.. great collage! looks like you did have a full year! hope 2010 is better yet! happy new year!
Thank you for the comment you left on my blog and I just became a follower of your blog.
Sometimes when you "walk" into a blog you just feel immediately at "home." I feel this way about your blog. I feel welcome and want to visit again.
Our girls are close in age too! Beach Bunny is adorable!
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