As I was lying in bed last night, I got to thinking about food- food blogs in particular- and by golly, I think I've seen the love child of Pioneer Woman’s cinnamon rolls and Bakerella’s treat pops.
Here are the steps:
Roll out about a pound of dough (size of a grapefruit), making sure to flour the surface first so things don’t stick.
Add your favorite sauce (I’m liking tomato basil marinara right now) and shredded mozzarella.
I added Volpi gourmet pepperoni to half of the pizza. That right there is some good stuff.
The next step is to roll the pizza toward you. Trust me on this one. Toward you.
After it’s rolled, it’s time to pinch it closed. Pinch away to seal it up. If a little bit of the ingredients stick out, that’s ok. It makes it all cook together even better.
Now it’s time to cut the loaf. I tried my kitchen scissors, but that wasn’t happening; so I went to the garage and grabbed my husband’s fishing line. Now we’re talkin’! Just wrap the line around a 1/2 inch section, pull tight, and you’ll get a perfect cut every time.
Place these bad boy rolls onto a greased baking sheet (parchment paper would work even better). Bake at 400 degrees for 13-15 minutes.
Bake until they are golden brown and the cheese has had a chance to caramelize.
These babies have to cool almost completely before you insert the stick. I learned the hard way on the first batch. My little pizza pops drooped and sagged and slid down the stick. So, be patient. It will be so worth it!
“Mom,” says my nine year old son, “These are even better than pizza!”
“Well, it is pizza, Buddy.” I replied.
“Oh, ya…. But it’s still better than pizza.” He said.
“Ha! Thanks!” I replied.
(Inspiration from

Yum!!!!! Those look awesome! I am definitely going to try this recipe. I have to say I was kind of freaked out when I first saw the title of your post because I read it as Pizza POOps...and that didn't sound good at all...but these look amazing!!!!!
Ok, big LOL for Mrs. Vincent - I BET that caught your eye! :)
I'm super excited about this idea, though, we're having a few friends over for New Years, and while I might not go all "Pop" out- these will make great finger foods!
OK, not only would my kids pass out from shock that I actually cooked, but took the time to make the food fun would seriously elicit heart failure!
That looks absolutely delicious and I want to come to your house for dinner and photography lessons!
I want a pizza pop!
SERIOUSLY GENIUS!!! I love your interpretation.. its TOTALLY unique and original and FABULOUS!!!
You rock. You MUST make these when I come visit you. You are in warm weather right?? If not then it will have to wait till summer. And until I can save a million dollars. Cause I have a feeling we would shop.
Wow. Talk about a totally random tangent there! ;)
You are just full of good ideas! Those look yummy!!!
I absolutely love this idea and will be making these in the very near future!
Those are fabulous!!!! YUMMY!!!!
Watch out Pioneer women...The Pineapple Princess is a cookin!!!!
Oh my gosh, these are genius!! I am SO going to make these with the girls.
What a grea idea.
ok, that is the yummiest looking thing ever...I'm so gonna try it..My kiddos would love it...even LL :) kj
What a great idea! They look like they would be fun to eat.
Oh my cute!!!!! I'll have to remember that for birthday parties! Those look so good!!!!
That is soooo awesome!! Great thinking!
That looks so yummy! We are definitely going to try that over here in loolooland!
Wow! That looks soooo yummy! We'll be trying that, too! ;)
wow. fishing line. who woulda thought! you, I guess. you're pretty creative. they do look like cinnamon rolls when they come out of the oven don't they.
Those are beautiful..there goes my weight watchers diet
I am going to have to try those...they do look really good. I think my little guy would love them, too. :)
Oh good grief, those look yummy!
a-stinking-dorable!! Love the pictures even more!!
Y-U-M-M-Y!! They look incredible! :)
What a perfect treat for tonight! You have the best blog :) I am going to tweet this right now
those look fabulous and tasty. I think we will try these too. thanks.
You do have a great blog!
a bread knife actually works so well to cut dough for cinnamon buns or rolled type food!
What a great idea! You should try it with bbq chicken and ranch like picky palate did!
Tag! I tagged you for a Happy 101 award! :-) Come by and check it out,!
Great idea! It's my first time visiting you and I love your layout and passion for God and food!
I'm visiting from Blogher headlines.
What a great idea! My husband would love those. Thanks!
It's official.... I'm in love with you. And after Pizza are my three kids. :) They want to know if you'll be their mom. lol ♥
I read your blog all the time! The pizza pops brought me out of hiding! What a great idea and so yummy!!!!!!!! Gonna try it for sure!!!!!
Awesome, Renea! Tell your kids "yes"!
Just don't tell them I have a couple of chores I need them to tackle. Ha!
Yea, Jill! Welcome!
I'm so glad you stopped to say hi. It totally makes my day! I just stopped by your blog, and it's wonderful!! :)
Happy 2010 to you and your family!
can i still this idea, ooh man these are cute, this might have to be our dinner tongiht
Awesome idea!! So cute!
What clear, big process photos!! Awesome! These pizza pops look perfect. I'm bookmarking this recipe. Thanks for posting it.
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