Do you remember this picture from my last post?
Just the thought of what it represents makes my heart start thumping!
Well, because I believe it was a “God” moment in my life. An “Aha!” moment where my “blogging” life collided with my “real” life. I recognized that familiar faint whisper heard first in my heart.
I’ll back up a few weeks…
A cool lady at Blogher emailed and asked if I’d like to host some ads on my little blog. I thought it was a fun idea, but something didn’t really settle right. I wasn’t sure what it was exactly that didn’t feel right. I prayed about it and asked some good friends for advice. A few weeks passed, and I still wasn’t totally on board, but yet it still didn’t seem right to decline.
Fast forward to our Christmas shoebox trip to Mexico. When I learned what the plans are for this building…
…I knew immediately what I needed to do. The blog ads need to be about others- not for myself or my family. We are already so blessed.
I learned that the plans for this building are to build a baby home right next door to Grace orphanage. They told me that every day precious, healthy babies are abandoned at the dump or left on street corners due to neglect and extreme poverty. They are trying to raise money to get this project completed. There are babies who need this place right now!
I have committed 100% of any ad revenue to go to this baby home. My blog is very “small town”, so it might not be much- but all of it I will give. The cool part is that you are helping to save these lives. You, my blogging friends, are the ones who make it happen. Somehow through the magic of the www, funds will be raised to save these babies. All you have to do is read this blog.
So, what do you think about this? Let me know your thoughts. Be totally honest. Would you put up with a sidebar ad or two to help orphaned babies?
I read this quote the other day by my friend Francis Chan in his book Crazy Love, “Nothing in my life will ever matter unless it’s about loving God and loving the people He has made.”
That quote excites me, drives me, motivates me. It’s how I want to live.

This is fabulous! I just found your blog through MBC. I too am an adoptive mother. My precious son was born in Guatemala.
Following you from MBC!
Stop by my blog when you get a chance.
that is amazing!!!! any info on how i can help with the home??? or how i can bring one of those precious babies home to my family?? been praying about adoption for a long time. tears flow and my heart breaks to even think about babies being abandon, neglected, abused, left alone. would love any info you have on the baby home, your trip (and going on one myself, and adoption)
Once again WOW....Your blog has blossomed into such a beautiful testament to GOD.
I am always searching for that special passion that would be 100% dedicated to the lord, but I have yet to find it.
None-the-less you are always doing amazing things and I enjoy reading all about it.
What a wonderful way for you to help! We are in the process of adopting as well. You can totally count me in to help precious babies!!! God's blessings on your family and the little ones' lives you touch, Sarah :D
I think it is a wonderful idea. You know I am all about supporting causes for orphans.
Absolutely. It's an awesome idea!
Let your bloggy friends know what we can do to help out!
It's a wonderful, beautiful idea. Wonderful. God-driven. You can see it! He's put the plan in place, He's showed you each step. Beautiful. Blessed.
Hi, Sara! I wanted to get back to you...
I'm not up to speed (yet) on adoptions from Mexico. I have heard many good things lately that are SO positive, though. As the baby home project comes along, I will learn more and I'll let you know.
In the meantime, I DO know that babies as young as four months old are adoptable, as well as older children and sibling groups.
I did a quick search and found some interesting links as a place to start...
Pineapple Princess
This is so amazing! I LOVE that you will donate the proceeds to this baby home. I will continue clicking on your blog everyday, not only because I enjoy reading it but now I know I will be helping this baby home!
Thank you, Christie! Whoo hoo! This is so exciting to do together!
I'm hoping that they will install the ads right after the new year.
You are the best! :)
How could that be anything BUT awesome. I love how you are always thinking of others. You know I am a reader and now I'll make sure to read two and maybe three times each post!
Dmitry was in a baby home. This post has me thinking baby thoughts. I need a baby sister for a certain little Monkey.
I think that is a wonderful idea! I know you said you may not bring in much money but EVERY dime like the widow's mite is just as mighty as a rich man's millions if it's God inspired. I just got a charge reading this post! THANK you for answering the call God has placed on your life! Blessings in the new year!
Hannah, I was TOTALLY thinking about you tonight. Who knows, maybe Monkey's baby sister is on her way sooner than you think :) You never know!
Richele, thank you. Means more than you know. Awesome!
I think is a fabulous idea and one that will pay off in dividends and in ways only God knows. Bless you for having a heart for such a special ministry. You are called, sister, for such a time as this. Bless you.
Would I put up with a sidebar add or two to help orphaned babies?????
In less than a heart beat girl!
I'm almost breaking out in an ugly cry right now just thinking about this beautiful home that's being built and the babies that will find a home (hopefully temporarily) there.
I'm kinda overcome. God bless you PP!
Wanda (At Last...)
Bring on the ads! And bring on the helping, caring, and blessings for babies!
I think its wonderful! And for moms that have ads on their blogs that use it for their income, I'm fine with that, too!
That is SOOO awesome! Our life experience with having a preemie baby 2 years ago, led to much volunteering and giving to the local Ronald McDonald House that was such a blessing to us, so I get that feeling of wanting, NEEDING to help others! Great job. :)
It's perfect! God is working through you!!!!
what a wonderful idea just absolutely perfect. I love reading your blog and now can read with purpose.
ABSOLUTELY!! I'm so happy for you...this is just awesome. You are such an unselfish person, and you will be rewarded one day. You know that I will always read your blog no matter what!!
I think that is a FABULOUS idea!! I just love your blog!!
That is awesome! go for it. Perfect idea.
I agree, Jess! I think that's cool, too! :)
Yes, yes and YES! I think it's a great idea! Get more if you can! :)
I think hosting ads and donating the revenue to the charity of your choice is a good idea and will bring you untold blessings. I hope you familiarize yourself with all the aspects of the project, including fiscal responsibility on someone's part. This is my first time to visit your blog - I saw your posting on PW's Facebook page.
I'm glad to know that my reading of your blog will help others.
I will pass the word on.
I think you had an amazing idea by putting your blog to good use by raising money for the "baby home"!! I love it! You already have so many readers, so my guess is that you will make more money for the baby home than you think! Everybody loves the Pineapple Princess and everyone loves to help babies! :)
What a great idea, I will be stopping by your blog everyday now , isn't amazing how God works in our lives!
By the way thanks for being the first follower on my blog,it needs a lot of work, haha! Happy New Year and God Bless!!!
wow that sounds awesome! I dont' know much about it but it sounds really great!
Yes, Yes and Yes!!! This is what it's all about! We all love our children so much. Every child deserves to have a safe place and people to love them. What could be more important!
I think it's an awesome idea and wish I could help in the same ways. :) If there's anything I can do other than read your blog more often.... hmmmm.... three times per day? then count me in!!! Praying for an outpooring of income from the clicks and that the baby home is ready asap! Congratulations on having the opportunity come to you. God is blessing so many through you and you didn't even see it coming! :) hugs girlie!
Hiya im new on here. I came upon this chat board I find It positively helpful & it has helped me alot. I should be able to give something back and assist other users like it has helped me.
Thanks a load, Catch You Later.
Sup im new here, I stumbled upon this chat board I have found It positively accessible and its helped me out alot. I hope to give something back & guide other people like its helped me.
Cheers, See You Around
Howdy im new here, I came accross this website I find It positively useful & it has helped me so much. I hope to give something back & support other people like its helped me.
Thanks, Catch You Later.
Hi i'm fresh on here, I came accross this forum I have found It quite accessible & its helped me out a great deal. I hope to contribute & guide other users like it has helped me.
Cheers all, See Ya Later.
I don't know if you are notified when people comment so not sure if you will read this as this post is from a looong time ago! I found your blog through someone else's blog and have randomly been picking parts to read. I love reading about other women living their lives for God and putting Him first. It is rare where I live. Thanks for being an inspiration and encouragement! Also just wanted to ask how the orphanage is going? Is it fully built now, etc.?
Lotsa love
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