
Visit 5~ Day 1

Oh, it feels so good to be back! I am missing the boys a lot, but it's great to have this time with Isabella. She grew so much! In fact, I walked right past her at the orphanage. I literally thought, "Oh, that baby is cute," and then I kept walking. Hello? Bad mom! No, I honestly didn't recognize her because she is so big, and she also had little ponytail "nubs" in her hair. I had never seen my big girl in ponytails before! Too cute! Her foster mother laughed and "reintroduced" me to my daughter, and Isabella lit up with smiles! I think she remembered me! I think I'm the only blonde lady she has ever seen before. She's got an advantage, O.K?

Here are a couple highlights from this afternoon...

Isabella has this new thing now where she sticks out her tongue when she's happy and being silly.

This little kitty cap is from an 11 year old girl named Chloe. She is becoming a little prayer warrior and faithfully prays for Isabella every single day. She bought the little cap all by herself with her own allowance just for Bella. Isn't that amazing?! God sends such encouragement to me. I just have to keep my eyes open.


Mama Bunny said...

She's gorgeous. I can just "feel" Guatemala in these photos. Makes me miss it so much!

demp5 said...

The tongue is cracking me up! That child must get cuter every time she sleeps!! Let me know if you can still work out a visit. Praying that your time with Isabella is fabulous!

Anonymous said...


Bella Grace is just beautiful!! I am so glad you are with her again. I know you are elated to have her in your arms.

Love and Prayers,

Anonymous said...

Good grief! they must be giving her "cute juice" because she is a site!!! favorite age! The same age exactly when little B came home to us Stacy!!

Love you...Dayna

Cheri said...

Stacy...I just returned from my visit Friday night. ENJOY! ENJOY! ENJOY! I always find the visits to be the fastest 5 days of my life! Isabella looks like she's on top of the world! Cheri

kathy Martin said...

I pray for a quick PGN out! Enjoy your trip and more memory-making with Isabella!

Anonymous said...

So glad to see you back in Guatemala with your baby girl! You are so blessed to be able to visit often. :) Bella is looking fabulous as usual!! :)

Much love,

Darcy said...

I am so happy you are there to love on that sweet baby girl. What a dooll! Love all the smiles. Praying for that speedy PGN out.
Darcy McMurray

Gail said...

Bella looks so happy to be with Mommy and Daddy. I am praying you are out of PGN soon.

Susie said...

Oh Stacy, she looks the same to incredibly cute. So happy for you that you get this time again. Cant wait to hear more. Enjoy soaking her up, I know you will. Susie

Steph said...

Oh my gosh!!! She is GORGEOUS!! Look at the sweet smile!!! I am smiling ear to ear!! Enjoy every moment...

Amanda said...

Bella is so BIG?!?! I wouldn't have recognized her either, except for her signature nose scrunch. She is so beautiful. I'm so happy for your family.
