Speaking of love…. I have another new niece to spoil. Her name is Sophia, and her mommy and daddy let me indulge my photography habit and take her birth announcement pictures. Thankyouverymuch. My mom also got to indulge her creative juices and made Sophia’s flower hat.
Her birth announcement…
This last picture is obviously an outtake, but just cracks us up (If you’re worried, we only let her cry for like 11 seconds… ok, 12).
If you’ve got a minute and feel inspired, give this photo a caption.
Happy Monday,

AAAAAHHHHHHhhhhhh!!! There's a big THING on my head! Get it off, get it OFF!!! Mommy!!!!
So adorable!
Awesome pictures! I'm going to think of something and come back! I know your going to get good captions with that cute picture!
OH MY GOODNESS...."What's growing on my head?"....is that my hair?...it doesn't look like the others kids???
Sorry I used the wrong sign (Ethan USA) I meant to use Hope's email sign in and used mine...Sorry! Rachael and Hope
Ok, here's mine..
"Cabbage Patch Kid"
OHHHH They are BEAUTIFUL! I was trying to think of a caption and then I saw yours. The cabbage patch kid totally fits.
This is an adorable photo!!
AMAZING!! This is WAY more then a 'habit'... you are a total professional!! Seriously. Just beautiful. I LOVE that hat, and that last shot!! Girl.. you can take pics of my kiddies ANYDAY!
So cute! Makes me so excited to hold my baby (due in July) or even just go watch my almost-3-year-old sleeping. :)
The pictures are great.
caption: Hey enough with the pictures
Love the pics! She is beautiful and the announcement turned out great!!!!!
"This hat is giving me a headache!"
OH MY WORD!! How stinkin' adorable!! Your work is incredible - as usual!!!And the first shot is my absolute favorite!!
I LOVE the hat - just too much fun! I love the contrast of the big 'ole flower on such a tiny baby! Sweet as 'puddin!!
Barry B. Benson's coming!!!
"I said Daisy, not giant white Rose...this look is all wrong!!!"
Too cute and I love the hat-your mom did a great job!!!
What a beautiful gift you have to capture these amazing moments! Love the pics!
You don't always get a great picture of a newborn, but these are soooo beautiful! She is precious!
SO. CUTE. haha...I LOVE that lost shot! :)
Love your pictures!
She's adorable!!!
Simply stunning! I love that picture with the wedding rings...adorable!!
What amazing photos!!! She is absolutely adorable!
WHAT is growing out of my head!
You did a great job!
HELP!!!! There's a bee in the room and I have a HUGE flower on my head!!!!
Beautiful pictures of a beautiful baby!
what a cutie!! LOVE the hat and of course great job on the photos. . your so talented!
Good post and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you on your information.
Gorges and wonderful blessed.. Congratulations on your new niece!!
ARHHH~ I am growing a flower on my head!!!!
she is so cute and the card is gorgeous!
How cute is this nugget? Stinkin' cute! Congrats to your family.
I do think I need me one of those big flowers to add to my prop drawer :)
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So many wonderful pictures - congratulations!
Correctly your article helped me truly much in my college assignment. Hats high to you send, wish look ahead in behalf of more cognate articles promptly as its sole of my choice question to read.
"PUT ME BAAAAAAACK IN THE WARM DARK PLACE" I saw you in the 200 followers group on MBC. You have a new follower! http://gumdropswap.blogspot.com
She's so adorable!
Marla @ www.asthefarmturns.wordpress.com
Those are precious!
You truly captured her so sweetly!
Love that last shot...LOL!
WOW!!!!!!! These pictures are absolutely incredible. I have a big crush on your lovely blog already!!!!
I am following you from MBC with FFF. I hope that you will come back and follow back. Have a great week!
She's sooooo cute!
"Let my bald head show!"
I love the newborn pics! I did an 8 week old who was a friend of my daughter's. I was very challenged and am not very creative :) You do a great job!
Oh my goodness, I haven't been by your blog in eons, and have missed so much!!! Your photography is absolutely amazing!!!! I am in awe of you!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to get all caught up on the latest! I just finished Beth Moore's Esther study, and would love to do this one next. On to more posts...love your blog! With love from Colorado, Denise :-)
"Don't cry for me, Argentina."
I'm Done with this---
great photos
Hey I wanted to let you know that I moved my blog. I know you have posted to some of my parties before and you do amazing stuff--I am still following you but when I left blogger--Google swiped all of my followers so I am contacting people one by one and asking them to please come over to the new site and follow me over there.
Cheri www.itssoverycheri.com
LOVE IT! The last is my favorite. I would have had to go with that for the announcement. I wish I would have gotten more pics of our daughters crying. That makes me sound so wicked but it's true. They were stunning no matter what and I never want to forget any of their faces!
You are an awesome photographer...these are great!
Love the toes one.
Beautiful pics. I always thought it would be hard to take pics of babies because they don't really pose or anything. The invitation looks top notch!
I miss you. Are you ok? Just hope all is well and that you are busy being super mom.
Be blessed!
Beautiful Pictures!!! Love them all!
Are you okay? I hope nothing is wrong. God has placed you on my mind today and I wanted to check on you. Email me if you get a chance.
She's BEAUTIFUL!!! How precious!
She is SOOOOO cute, thanks for sharing! I am a new follower from FFF at the Mom Bloggers Club, so glad to have found your great blog. Hope you have a wonderful week!
Sorry for my bad english. Thank you so much for your good post. Your post helped me in my college assignment, If you can provide me more details please email me.
Did you move your blog? If so, where? Thanks.
Always love your pix! Have to make my blog private- crazy people out there in the world. If you want invite- let me know. :)
So sweet! I'm visiting from MBC. I signed up to follow you.
Dear Pineapple Princess,
Where are you? I'm missing you in blog-land. Praying that you and your family are doing well! Hope to "see" you soon!!
These pictures are beautiful! Great job! I love the flower!
I am stopping by to say that I love your blog and am now following!
I am still new at this blogging thing and am need of new followers, so please follow me as well. You can find me at:
-Jessica a.k.a Nya's mom
Beautiful announcement! Beautiful pictures!
Caption: I think I have a flower allergy!
Hi, just checking in, but you haven't posted in quite awhile. Hope everything is ok! Maybe you went private??
Seriously missing you. The email I have for you isn't working and I'm worried about you. I've stopped by periodically and you haven't posted. Are you ok? Is your family ok?
Praying for you and your family (as always),
This is awesome!!! Great work and what a beautiful little muse! Yes please for sure!! :)
Oh and now following you with friend connect!! :)
O my gosh that is the cutest announcement ever.
OMG such cute photos! LOVE them all. Esp. the rings, what a cute idea!!
I'm a new follower from MBC and I would love for you to come visit me at http://www.createyourtraditions.com. :)
Awesome website, I hadn't noticed adoptbellagrace.blogspot.com before during my searches!
Continue the wonderful work!
Praying all is well at The Love Shack. Haven't seen you in quite awhile and hope you and your family are doing ok.
Are you ok??
You are making me baby hungry. Those pictures are adorable!
"I hate wearing hats, I just hate them!"
Super cute capture!
OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've got roots sprouting through my beautiful baby brain!!!!! {hahaha, that is classic}
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