I’d love to show you our last stop on our Christmas Shoe Box trip. If you remember, our first gift delivery was to an orphanage in Tijuana, Mexico. Our last stop was a church in a very poor area in Ensenada. The children and their families were wonderful and so welcoming!
In this town in Ensenada, the poorer families live high on the hills, while the “wealthier” families live below near the ocean. They all paint their homes the most lovely colors… blues, greens, all shades of pink, and bright yellow. When they build their own homes, a rogue family member must climb the power pole and attach the power line while it’s live. It’s so dangerous and many die, but they have no other means for power.
We started the Christmas party right away with a pinata. My family and I helped with the preschoolers, but the kids at the party ranged in age from three to teen.
My son, Goofy Foot, finally got a turn. He ripped into the pinata right away. Candy started to fly and kids started to run! Total chaos. Awesome!
We helped the children to different “centers”, like face painting, cookie decorating, and board games. The kids were amazing! Here we were chowing down on pinata candy before our next activity.
I couldn’t get over this little one’s eyes. What a sweetie!
We learned that this was the first time the children had ever decorated Christmas cookies. They were in awe. Goofy Foot showed them the ropes!
My daughter (left) had never decorated cookies either. She froze in this position for a good 90 seconds apparently enjoying her sugar high.
I can’t wait to show you part two tomorrow when all the children got to open their gifts. There was so much JOY!
With love,

What an awesome thing you and your family did!!! Great pictures! :)
I love these! I want to just jump right into the picture and start holding and hugging sweet babies!!
Can't wait to see more!
Oh my goodness...those eyes are amazing! And, I love your surfer dudes and your precious baby girl and her multi-ponied hair!
Mama M.
awesome! can't wait to hear more! see more! such beautiful children and what a wonderful trip!
SO glad you captured those eyes! They are amazing! All of the children are beautiful! It's so fun that you gave them the opportunity of cookie decorating! SImple, yet so fun and yummy!! I bet this trip make your heart overflow with such joy!!!
Great pics - My father in law has a house about an hour outside of Ensenada, so I have been through there before. The children look so happy!!
Your family is so inspiring! I'm laughing at Beach Bunny..girl loves her some icing!
wow. just look at what you did -- you brought joy to those children. and look at those precious faces on those little blessings from God. You are an inspiration to me, really.
Those kids will remember that for the rest of their lives. Sweet moments!
Great pictures...looks like an awesome experience to share with these kids!
I love that you're allowing us to join you in this amazing journey. What beautiful children. thank you sharing them.
What an experience.
Thank you so much for sharing this.
What a blessing. Those pictures were amazing. I am so excited to see tomorrows post. How awesome.
God bless you for this!
Happy New Year!
I am following you from MBC.
What a sweet Christmas blessing your family was! This was such an inspiring, uplifting, and encouraging post. Thanks for sharing the photos of those precious children!
Cant wait to see part 2! Your right...that little girls eyes are gorgeous!!!
Great pics! What a blessing you and your family are.
That was amazing, Stacy! I couldn't stop staring at those beautiful children. I loved the pictures showing the different activities you did with these sweetie pies. We take so much for granted here. :(
Question: Are these children available for adoption? I haven't done much research for Mexico.
What a terrific experience for your family. You are showing them how to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Thank you for praying for us during our process - you know how much it helps! I hope to have new numbers to post this week.
What a great thing for your family to do, and what great life lessons it is teaching your kids!
You can see hope and excitment in the eyes of those children, and what a great idea it was to decorate cookies!!!
OH MY!!! I have to tell you....this brings back so many memories for me. I'm familiar with Tijuana/Ensenada. I grew up in Mexicali...you know where that is? My husband and I led some mission trips to Mexicali a few years ago to an orphanage there. I love missions and doing this exact same thing. I'll share about this on my blog sometime. I also have photos of an awesome Christmas party and other projects. What a blessing!!! I love this ministry and hope to get back into it soon!
What an incredible experience!!!! It is so sad to think how some people live while we live in comfort. God Bless you guys!
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