In a feat of unequivocal grace, I broke my foot today… metatarsal five to be exact.
Who breaks their foot walking…
on a field trip with 40 third graders?
I walked a mile on it after it was broken.
Probably not smart.
But I’m stubborn determined.
“Hey, look on the bright side,” I told myself.
“It’s time to get rolling on that 2010 deductible anyway.”

Oh My Word! Bless your heart!! It looks like you got a walking cast, so hopefully it won't slow you down too much!! I hope you get some rest and relaxation this weekend!!
Oh no! That is something that I would do. I hope that you are not in too much pain. I'm sending you positive thoughts that you heal very quickly!
Oh, you poor thing. Hope it heals quickly.
wow, ouch..i'm so sorry...Ok, so I THINK i'm going to try and be brave and come out of hiding tomorrow night on my blog :) We'll see!! I'm praying all the craziness is behind us!! kj
Yes! Yes! Come back, Kristi!
We miss you terribly!!
Oh no! I love your sense of humor about it though.
I think I could break my foot daydreaming about that open faced sandwich of yours. Yum!
Enjoy being waited on hand and foot. All 24 hours of it:)
OH MY GOODNESS!!! OUCH!!! You are tough to have walked on it more!! UM, I could have done the same thing too!! So could my daughter. We totally can relate!!
Oh, I am so sorry! I hope you are feeling okay now.
I am so sorry that you fell and got a boo boo. But I am glad you have a sense of humor about it! I don't think I am very good at that.
I fell on the ice a few years ago and broke my elbow and now I am so careful not to go out when it is icy if I can help it.
I hope you will heal quickly and not have too much pain.
God Bless You!
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
Ouch! Hang in there!!
You poor thing. Now, let me give you some advice....It HURTS..Got that? IT need to sit for many hours at a time. Your husband needs to wait on you hand and foot and bring you sweet little get well presents (jewelry, a new lens, or maybe some more Le Creuset) Got it??
I hope you feel better soon (wink!)
PS...I know you would never really do that, but it would be fun huh?
Ouch! That's a rough bone since it is your foot it is probably going to take a while to heal. Gives you a good reason to put your feet up though, right?
Be sure to take advantage of your injury and let others take care of you for a little while! Hope you're healed up in no time.
That stinks! Well maybe you can get some much deserved rest and relaxation! I hope you have a quick recovery!
Bless your heart! I'll be praying for you. You don't know how much it means to get your msg that you have been praying for Mom. She went home yesterday and is doing pretty good. It will just take time to heal, and she has the best attitude. Thanks so much, and I pray you have a speedy recovery.
Yikes, that's not good. Glad you were able to laugh (well, sort of)about it.
Heel well. (Does this mean being served in bed and back massages.Hmmmm.....)
ouch ! I broke my foot while jogging -- good ole' college days. you realize (when your foot is in a boot or cast) how much you use your foot! get well soon.
Oh my gosh girl! You have got to be more careful!!! However, you are always looking on the bright side, that's what I love about you! I wish you a speedy recovery...
Ouch! So sorry to hear that. I managed to shatter my leg when I tripped while walking. I spent 6 months recovering.
Hope you heal quickly!
oh too true, so much nicer to have a good story to go with your injury!
Oh my goodness! Praying for a speedy recovery!
Oh no you poor thing!! I hope it heals quickly. Totally had to laugh about the deductible thing, we usually say the same thing come the second week of Jan. :)
I am sorry, girl.
Ooh my! So sorry, but the big question is......did you have your toe nails painted? I always had a fear of being in a wreck, breaking my foot and not having perfect painted toe nails! Guess what happened Nov 28 198?....yep and not only were they not painted, they were CHIPPED! OMG, horrors. I have been in therapy ever since! Hope you have a speedy recovery!
OH NO!!! That is awful!! I hope it heals quickly. I sprained my ankle many years ago and walked on it for about 3 miles. When I sat down, it swelled so horribly that I couldn't put any weight on it and my dad had to carry me upstairs. My leg looked like a tree trunk!
Thanks you guys so much for your comments and prayers! You totally cheered me up!!
You poor thing you sound like me. I sprained mine last friday afternoon and still did the shread friday night...went to the ER in the middle of the night because it hurt so bad. hope it heals fast.
God Bless your heart! You are following me so I thought I would stop by & see some of your craziness too :) Thanks for the sweet comment, I try my best!
There are many of us that can't walk & chew gum at the same time, so smile :)
Oh, what a bummer! Sorry about your foot!
But I must say, you have the most positive attitude of anyone I know who breaks their foot :-)
Hope it heals soon!
Oh bummer! Hope you heal quickly. Well at least it will be a memorable field trip.
Bummer!!!! What a trooper you are! I would of fell to my knees and they would of had to take me out in an ambulance! lol
That does not sound like fun you poor thing just what you need a broken foot to chase after a little one. Hang in there!!!
Oh my goodness!!!!!!! That is terrible! SO sorry!!!!
Oh my goodness! Hope it heals fast. That sounds like something I would do.
Oh so sorry girl! I hope you heal fast and it's easy to do the normal things.... hang in there!
Sorry to hear that! Hope it heals up fast!
praying and trying not to laugh, i thought i was the only one who did things like that
Yes, I'm laughing too! It takes skillz to break a foot while walking! Ha!
The lengths that some parents will go to so that their tweens do not feel like they are the only awkward ones -sheesh! I am only teasing you :) I will be praying for a super speedy recovery. You have to be able to keep up with Beach Bunny.
Im so sorry my dear!! What a horrible inconvenience. :( Im so sorry for you... I cant imagine trying to do everything that needs to be done in pain!! Prayers for a QUICK recovery!
Oh No! I hope you are not in too much pain. You are such an involved awesome mom to go along on the field trip! Will be praying you recover quickly!
So sorry... if you're like me when things like this happen, your first thought is, "I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS". Hope you heal quickly!!!
So glad to be back into reading blogs again! I'm back as well (after months!)! Check out my latest post on Faith :)
Thank you for your continual support!
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