
Stocking Stuffer Idea… and Giveaway!

I want to introduce you to Kelly at PlumDaisy. Her clippies and hair blooms are what got me hooked! I plan to put a couple of her cute things in Beach Bunny’s stocking.

I want you to get to know Kelly a little bit. Here’s a quick little Q and A I had with her last night…

But you've got to click HERE to read more and enter!!!

plum daisy


Encourage one another,


Carrie said...

So, they are ALL cute, but it was the Carnival of Color Felt Hair Clippie that made me smile! My Sadie's dark skin just looks adorable in turquoise! ;)

Oh, and I became a FB fan, too! ;)

Geezees Custom Canvas Art said...

So daughter would love them!

Ericka Moore Photography said...

I am loving the big flower headbands with the pigtails. Super cute idea and super cute products! I'll definitely be ordering some stuff from her!

Melissa Stover said...

i love the carnival of color. those are just adorable.

Melissa Stover said...

i'm a fan!

Melinda said...

Love the lace headbands...would look perfect on my newest daughter :-) The clips are awesome too and I know Crista would LOVE them! So many fabulous choices!!

Melinda said...

I'm a fan!

Bunch of Barrons said...

SO cute! I am so excited to have a little girl now, who will hopefully be growing some more hair asap. ;) She's an adorable bald little 4 month old. haha! ;) But I do love the carnival of color...cute stuff!

Jodi said...

my favorite is the purple passion beanie hat!

Amy said...

These are so adorable! My girls would love these...okay maybe Ryann would pull them out, but maybe not...a mom can hope :)

I love:

Navy and Fuschia Felt Flower Hair Blooms Clippie


The Cruz Clan said...

My cousin Kelly is so creative. BTW I love this blog :) It is so bright and colorful and I so love the beach theme. I have a little island baby too. Pineapple Princess you are very talented.

Anonymous said...

Love the Charity line(my daughters name is Charity <3 )

Wanda said...

What sweet little designs. It took about 4 years for my first daughter to really have hair so I have so much experience with prettying up a head.

My favorite is the one on your blog of Ava in the big pink flower. That's gorgeous.

Wanda (at Last...)

The Black Sheep said...

Hello! Great Etsy shop! I love all of her hair clippies. I think I like the torqouise and brown one best.

The Black Sheep said...

I just became a FB fan of her, too!

Anonymous said...

IM a fan now thanks for sharing!!!

I love the huge Daisy clip for $5 cant beat it!!


Tiffany said...

Oh my!! How to decide?? ONE that caught my eye was the summer carnival crocheted hairband, but really everything is lovely! My daughter and I just love hair "pretties"!!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Tiffany said...

I became a fan on facebook, too! {wink}

Katy said...

The felt flower clips are so adorable and I really liked the holiday themed items for Christmas Presents! Everything is so pretty! I also became a fan on Facebook! :)

Christie said...

I love all the flower clippies, especially the turquoise and lime and all of the holiday inspired!

Arena Mom said...

Oh the Carnival of Color for sure!!

Gina & Tommy said...

They are all very cute. I love the grape purple hair bows!

Many blessings,

Anne said...
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Anne said...

I loved the Dusty Rose and Cream Felt Hair Blooms Clip
sweet little heart!
annemolino at hotmail dot com

Anne said...

I became a fan on FB too!

Unknown said...

I love the crochet headbands! My 11 month is just now getting hair, so I have had to be creative.


Jess said...

A great giveaway! My Guate Tot looks awesome in dark pink and brown so I like the Tropical clip - I became a fan too so please put two entries in for me - I'd love to win a clip for my Princesa!

Tiffany said...

A Day at the Zoo

Anonymous said...

I;m loving the leopard love! All so cute!

Anonymous said...

Your absolutely right, we need to change her fan total for sure.

I love everything on her site.
Thanks for sharing!!

Mommy said...

theleopard love is my favorite!

Jaimee said...

She is sooo talented! I love this:

"A Day at the Zoo - Set of Animal Print Hair Clips" So cute!!!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, they are so cute!!!
I love the beanies and headbands!

I love the Grape Purple Daisy Hair Blooms Headband-it so reminds me of my little girl who loves everything "powpow" :) (purple)

Our Girls said...

love the carnival of color and dusty rose and cream! too cute!!!

McMurrays said...

so fun.. I love the summer fireworks b/c it will go with everything!!!!
Love the give-aways and inspiration as always.

Megan said...

Well it is all Too Cute, but i love the Blush White Magnolia on Black Crochet Beanie because my daughter could wear it with so much!

jules said...

I love the pretty in pink crouched hat.

Jen Vincent said...

Cute!!!! I love the turquoise and red clip!!! Is it bad that I'm a 29-year-old mom and I would totally sport that in my own hair? (I have a 2 1/2 hair clips).

By the way...I have an award for you over at my blog if you want to check it out:

Amanda said...

I really want a frilly pink one with a BIG flower!!!

Great contest!~


Laurie said...

The super duper cute knit beanies hit my fancy! I'm seeing those very where and just LOVE them! Such a great fashion statement!

Anonymous said...

My sister just found out that she is having a baby girl today! Would love to get the Burgundy Crochet Beanie with Cream Magnolia for her new little plum!!!

I also became a fan on Facebook...this stuff is adorable!!!

Melissa G said...

Ohh, looks like i just made it for the giveaway!

I like the Sweet Clementine - Turquoise and Orange Felt Hair Blooms Clip.

sweet tea in a pink glass said...

I'm so in love with them all but I was the most amazed with her story. I went to her blog to learn more about her and Ava. 8 weeks ago I delivered 3 months early, Abby was 1 lb and 13 oz., she has done amazing, everyday I praise the Lord for what he has given us. We hope to be home by the first of the year. Until now Abby hasn't been able to wear clothing and so I had to try and find hats/headbands to fit her, to give her some personality. I know it sounds small but a bow is a BIG deal when your use to seeing your baby with monitor leads and lots of tubes. you have found a new customer in me Plum Daisy for your cute bows and your giving heart. Thank you.

Jaimin said...

Very cute stuff. I like the Perfectly Periwinkle - Hydrangea Blossom Hair Blooms Lace Headband, the felt flowers are also very cute. :)

Jaimin said...

I've become a fan of PlumDaisy on FB. :)

Todd and Courtney said...

This is soooo funny because I just got 2 clippies in the mail from her. I found her store on etsy a couple of weeks ago, on my own, before I even read your blog!!! I would order a headband next!

Todd and Courtney said...

fan on facebook!