Ok, so I woke up this morning to a fine coat of sunshine covering my yard.
I will have to shovel the driveway of warmth in order to get the car out.
Later today we will probably sing carols and sip cocoa around the hot tub...
…ah winter.
That quote was my friend's status update on Facebook today! I thought it went so perfectly with this beach picture I took a few days ago. Wow! God sure is a good artist. Look at that soft light and gorgeous colors!
I hope you and your family had the most wonderful Christmas yesterday! We sure did! I thought about all of you, my blogging friends, and wondered how each of you was spending the day. I can’t wait to come and check on you! I’m still working on a few December posts that are near and dear to my heart; but for now…
We are off to celebrate Christmas with Kahuna’s (my husband) family! It’s never a dull moment around here.
With love,

Merry Christmas to you!!!
Merry Christmas! I remember living in Southern Florida at Christmas time and wearing shorts :)
Beautiful picture! Merry Christmas!
Shovel some of that sunshine our direction.... PLEASE!!! It's below freezing and we had a WHITE Christmas. :) Drifts have buried my car in the driveway. We even got the 4WD stuck.... Aaaahhhh Missouri winters. ;) Hope you had a beautiful and memorable Christmas with your family. ♥
That's a great photo! We are going to Florida in a week with my family...I can't wait for some sunshine myself. :) Merry Christmas!
Beautiful pic!
Merry Christmas!!!!
I'd like to be there on that shore right now! We had a White pre-Christmas and it knocked the power out for my fiance's family until Christmas Eve, then it came back on and his mom realized she had people to cook for! Happy Holidays!!!
So glad your Christmas was blessed. CAn't wait for the rest of your posts. Enjoy your time with family.
That's exactly what Christmas should look like. :-)
SO glad you had a wonderful Christmas! Many blessings to your family in the new year!
Are you just teasing with the gorgeous picture??? Wow. What I would give to be there now...
Glad you enjoying your Christmas!!
Cant wait to read more about those things that bring you joy and are close to you...
Oh how you mock! (sait the girl from Utah with single digit temperatures) Clearly, I'm living in the wrong state! :) I hope you had wonderful Christmas!
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