Welcome! I'm so glad you're here! Since this week's blog hop is all about encouragement, I thought I'd share one of my favorite verses and two pictures with you. "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world" James 1:27. I just love that verse. It is so clear cut and straight forward to me. My relationship with God is NOT about a list of rules, it's about loving people- especially when they can't give back!
Below is a picture of the sweetest girl. She lives at God Cares School in Uganda. Kahuna had the great privilege of delivering her very first pair of shoes to her. She just melts my heart.
Below is Kahuna and a few more of the amazing children at God Cares. If you aren't already sponsoring an orphan somewhere in the world, hop on over to World Vision. You may find that bringing life transformation and hope to a child is just the encouragement you need!

Great pictures. I always look forward to your posts and this is a perfect example of why.
Love the pictures of Kahuna and the children. My daddy was a missionary and especially loved visiting the children.
It's funny, because this verse has been such a huge part of my life. I love it so much that I want it tattooed on my back.
Love my tats.
None-the-less, you are right, it is so clear cut. I love the pics of Kahuna. What a joy to give this child her first pair of shoes. I'm in AHHHH.
Love you, miss you
I love these pics!!! JUST LOVE THEM!
That first one is so amazing! love it! Are these blog hops every Monday?
Thanks so much for this! I love it!
Love the photos! ...the happy faces of the little ones...pure joy!!!
Blessings and Aloha!
Fairly new to blogging, so if ya come by and take a peek, please let me know that you were there, by leaving a comment.
I'm grabbing a button and putting it on my marquee.
Our current series at church this month is James. Pastor Brad was just speaking about this very verse. I am new to my walk of faith in Christ, so it was my first time reading it. There are many things in the Bible that can be confusing to understand - but most of it is clearly cut out, like the verse you've chosen. There is no hidden meaning, or theology that needs to be understood to appreciate the passage. It is as it says...
We also have a sponsered child from World Vision, South Africa. Vusimuzi Mememza is his name.
Stop by my blog, and bring your funny thoughts, photos or stories to join my "Make Me Laugh" today. It's a lighter side to encouragement :) Would love to hear from you!
Aw! Beautiful! :)
I would like to invite you to participate in The Back to School Thingy, an event which is happening at Comfort Joy Designs in conjunction with Brown Couch Events between August 15 and Sepember 27.
If you wish to provide a product for review or giveaway, I can offer fantastic publicity and a chance for your business to be noticed within a thriving blogosphere!
The Back to School Thingy will be fully interactive, which means that readers will be drawn to posts to participate. Whether it's a game, a randomly-drawn giveaway or competition, readers will be visiting for the opportunity to get involved!
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And, Lastly...
I'd love to have you on board. I can promote you effectively and dynamically in a fun format designed to ensure readers find out about you!
I would also like to introduce my competitive advertising rates, beginning at USD$10 per month for 125x125px.
If I can assist you with anything I have mentioned - or hey, anything else - please do not hesitate to write back.
Kind regards,
Great photos!!! Love the story behind them. ( First shoes, makes you feel ungrateful for everything we have)
Thanks for sharing
Happy Hopping!
A little insomnia tonight..well how about 3 AM...so I am blog hopping, I enjoyed your blog and encouragement....http://teresa-grammygirlfriend.blogspot.com/
wonderful pictures!! what an encouragement!! thanks for sharing that!
testing new email
one more email test
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