
So Much On My Mind

Here's a little video (from our visit trip at the end of February) of Isabella being silly and happy. She just melts our hearts!

I am very grateful and thankful that my friend Melissa sent me some pictures today of Isabella at her hogar. Thank you, Melissa! However, as even Melissa can tell, the photos (not posted) are further confirmation that Isabella isn't getting the care and stimulation that she needs. It's breaking my heart! We have another visit trip planned for April, and it can't get here quickly enough!!!

Here are some prayer points:

*PLEASE pray for Isabella! Her care and health are so-so.

*Pray that we get out of PGN quickly. She needs us now more than ever!

*Pray for wisdom and guidance as I make plans to stay in Antigua to care for Bella. There are so many details to take care of, as you can imagine.

Thank you all so much for lifting us up on this journey!


Susie said...

Oh you are lifted, and God is in this! He will show you the way, He has a greater purpose for you and Bella. I am not only praying for Bella's health and safety but for His discernment, wisdom and provision for you as well. We are believing to have our BC approval this week and plan to be in Guat in April as well. How fun it will be to actually meet you. Blessings dear friend, Susie

Amanda said...

Consider it done. Is there anything I can do for you from this side? Let me know.


The gFamily said...

My heart is breaking with you! I know God has a plan and is watching over your sweet, sweet Bella! Gilli and I just paused to pray that your case is released this week! Where two or more are gathered...

Courtney said...

Praying for you. I read your blog all the time but don't comment as often as I should. Know I am thinking of you and praying for a speedy PGN out. Courtney

Kim said...

Sending a prayer up for you guys and Isabella!

Steve & Amy said...

My heart is aching for you right now. I will be saying prayers that everything falls into place and you can foster sweet Isabella. Praying also that your long awaited OUT from PGN comes this week!! Maybe the Easter bunny could bring your basket a few days early??:) Hugs!

Susie said...

Love your new header! Very cute. Susie

Anonymous said...

I can imagine how heavy that would lay on your heart to have to worry about your baby's care and health in her hogar. Sending up another prayer, and another one that you get out of PGN asap.

Love to you,

Shannon said...

Praying, Praying, Praying Isabella gets out of PGN so very soon. I hope you all had a good Easter. We had a white--that is snowy-- Easter here in Germany. He is Risen!!!
